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What To Expect From The Latest Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Update: 2024 Release Wave 1


Notes: This blog post was updated in April 2024.

Ever since Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central was launched back in 2018, Microsoft has released product updates for the ERP software on a regular twice-yearly basis.

With each update, Microsoft has incorporated the feedback of end users like yourself into new features and functionalities for Business Central, all in a continuous effort to serve your needs better.


See Our Definitive Guide To Microsoft Dynamics 365 And How Business Central Fits Within Microsoft's Suite Of Business Solutions


The 2024 Release Wave 1 update, the first of two major updates for Business Central this year, will introduce many new features and functionalities to make using the cloud ERP software easier than ever for the end users in your business.

These include further improvements to Power Platform, expanding on the capabilities of Copilot within the ERP software, improved access to report and data analysis content, and enhanced user experiences amongst other enhancements.

Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of the 2024 Release 1 update for Business Central, which will be rolled out progressively from April 2024 through to September 2024.

Note: This post was originally published in April 2020, and was updated to reflect the changes that came with the latest updates from Microsoft in February 2024.


1. Improvements To Power Platform Integration

The 2024 Release Wave 1 update will build upon previous work to further improve the way Business Central integrates with Microsoft Power Platform, giving you more ways to use your business data effectively. This includes leveraging the recently-added Copilot capabilities in the ERP software to create connected business workflows and experiences in Power Platform products.


Improve Approval Processes via Power Automate

Previously, Microsoft introduced several new approval templates and a simplified experience on Power Automate. With this update, several new changes will be introduced.

  • The Approval User Setup page has been updated and exposed to Power Automate. You no longer need to define approvers manually in Power Automate anymore; the flow execution takes the relevant approver directly from Business Central.
  • Information about user actions in Power Automate will be passed back to Business Central, and the respective events will be properly logged.
  • More templates are enabled for Power Automate approval integration.


Manage Work Orders In Field Service, Invoice Them In Business Central

Field Service has now been fully integrated with Business Central, streamlining the end-to-end process of managing service operations and ensuring a seamless flow of information between the two systems.

You can now easily create and manage work orders in Field Service, track the progress of service tasks, assign resources, and capture consumption details. The integration enables the smooth transfer of data to Business Central, which facilitates the invoicing and fulfilment of work orders in Business Central.

With the service activities performed and consumption recorded in Field Service, you can generate accurate invoices in Business Central. This ensures timely and accurate billing, improving financial management and customer satisfaction.

Through this integration, you benefit from a unified and efficient workflow which eliminates the need for manual data entry or duplication, reducing errors and saving valuable time. It also provides a comprehensive view of service operations and financials, which improves your decision-making and operational efficiency of your business.


Use Virtual Tables To Expose More Business Central Data In Dataverse

When synchronising data between Business Central and Dataverse, you can now enable virtual tables in Business Central. This lets you add a synthetic relationship between a synchronised entity and the virtual table, making

When you synchronize data between Business Central and Dataverse, you can add a synthetic relationship between a synchronized entity and a virtual table if you enable virtual tables in Business Central. Virtual tables let you enrich the data you've set up to synchronize from Business Central with data you haven't, without help from a developer.


2. Enhancements to Service And Project Management

For the past couple of product update releases, Microsoft has invested in bringing multi-company capabilities to Business Central in order to serve the needs of an increasing number of customers that are using it across borders to manage multiple business entities. 2024 Release Wave 1 sees additional features geared towards helping you manage your multiple businesses, as well as enhancements to service and project management features.


Set Up Financial Consolidation Runs More Efficiently

When running a financial consolidation, the Set Up Business Unit Currencies page gives you the last rates that were entered for average, closing, and last closing rate. You can modify the rates being used for the current run by either entering the values, or copying values from previous runs with the Select from previous consolidation option.

You can use the option to find the relevant last run to copy values from, or just look up the rates that were used when you’re troubleshooting.

The Run Consolidation batch job with the new parameters is not available on the Business Units list page. You can also find the Set Up Business Unit Currencies page by selecting the Exchange Rates action.


Block Item, Item Variant Or Service Item From Use In Service Management Transactions



Toggle on Service Blocked to stop items or item variants from being used in service management transactions. Source: Microsoft 


If you want to prevent an item or item variant from being used in service management transactions, you can turn on the Service Blocked toggle on the Item CardItem Variants, and Item Variant Card page. You can also set this field on the Item Template page, and it will be copied to the items created from that template.

Doing this makes an item or item variant unavailable for selection on the following pages:

  • Service Line (except for service credit memos, where you'll see a notification that the item or variant is blocked, but allowed on this type of document)
  • Service Item
  • Service Contract Line
  • Standard Service Line

If you manually enter an item number or variant code that's blocked, you'll get an error message that states, "The field contains a value that cannot be found in the related table."



Toggle on Service Blocked to stop service items from being used in service management transactions. Source: Microsoft 


You can also do this for service items by going to the Service Item Card page, in the Blocked field, and selecting one of the following options:

  • Service Contract: Block the service item from being used in service contracts and service contract quotes, but not in service orders or other service documents.
  • All: Block the service item from being used in any service management transaction, including service contracts, service orders, and other service documents.

This stops you from selecting the blocked service item on the following pages:

  • Service Contract Line (if blocked for service contract, or all)
  • Service Item Line (except for service credit memos, if blocked for all)

If you manually enter a service item number, you'll get an error message that states, "The field contains a value that cannot be found in the related table.

Additionally, if you have service contracts, service contract quotes, or service orders that include blocked items, item variants, or service items, you can't use the following actions:

  • Lock or Make Contract on the Service Contract Quote
  • Lock ContractSign ContractCreate Contract Service Orders or Create Contract Invoices on the Service Contract
  • Make Order on the Service Quote
  • Release to Ship or Post on the Service Order
  • Post in the Service Invoice


Use Standard Terminology For Project Management


Jobs have been renamed to "Projects". Source: Microsoft 


Previously, project accounting features in Business Central were referred to as “jobs”, which has confused users as it’s not the term that people who work with project accounting would expect. With this update, the term “job” has been replaced with “project” in the user interface and documentation in order to clarify the true nature and purpose of the project accounting features for various types of businesses.

For example, entities such as job tasks, job journals, and job planning lines are now project tasks, project journals, and project planning lines. The renaming won’t break existing integrations and customizations because only the captions in the user interface and the terms in the documentation are being updated.


3. Copilot And AI Innovation

In the previous update, Microsoft introduced Copilot to Business Central to empower users with intuitive AI tools, helping them get more done with less effort without needing to be data scientists.

With 2024 Release Wave 1, Copilot capabilities in Business Central has been expanded to boost productivity for businesses.


Complete Bank Account Reconciliation Faster With Copilot

While Business Central already uses rule-based transaction matching to reduce manual work when it comes to importing bank statements and reconciling transactions, residual work to process the unmatched transactions every week still takes a significant amount of time. Copilot reduces bookkeeping effort by matching more transactions and suggesting G/L accounts to post the remaining transactions.


Bank Reconciliation has been enhanced with Copilot. Source: Microsoft 


The bank account reconciliation feature in Business Central has been enhanced with:

  • AI-powered transaction matching: Complements rule-based matching, and further reduces the remaining unmatched transactions that require review.
  • AI-powered G/L account suggestions: Copilot suggests the most likely ledger account to post any residual transactions to, and offers the opportunity to remember a specific transaction description for the next reconciliation.
  • Built-in demo data: Makes it easier to experience and demonstrate this Copilot capability to others.


Get To Insights Faster With Copilot-Generated Analysis Tabs

Copilot can help you reduce the time needed to identify trends and anomalies in your business data, by enabling you to express your analysis as a simple sentence without ever leaving Business Central.


Copilot speeds up your analyses and helps you acquire insights faster. Source: Microsoft 


Here’s how Copilot can speed up your analyses:

  • Create: Starting from any list in Business Central, provide Copilot with keywords or a description indicating the columns, groups, pivots, filters or sorting that you want to use to present fields from the table. Copilot will then generate your desired layout, and help you refine and build upon the generated analysis when you provide more keywords.
  • Update: Quickly adjust an existing analysis tab by expressing your desired changes in natural language.
  • Explain: Copilot summarises the information presented in the analysis tab as a concise sentence. This can be a useful reminder or quick overview whenever your coworkers share analyses with you.

This feature can be accessed from the specific list page that you want to analyse. Copilot can work with most fields that are already present on the list page and corresponding table, including summing up totals, but cannot create new fields or correlate data across tables.


Introduce Power Automate Copilot Integration With Business Central

Building Power Automate flows without predefined templates can be a mundane and complicated process. With Copilot in Power Automate, this process is much smoother because flows can be built based on just the natural language input from the user.

Wit this update, Copilot in Power Automate is integrated with Business Central, allowing you to start creating automation flows based on natural language. This allows for open-ended and conversational experiences while authoring flows that use your Business Central data. You can ask questions and get assistance to improve and change those flows.

This helps you streamline your business processes and improve productivity by shortening the path to automation.


4. Investment In Modern Development Tools

With 2024 Release Wave 1, consultants and developers can easily open Visual Studio Code for a production or sandbox environment to investigate and understand objects across installed extensions, view code for owned extensions, and perform troubleshooting—all without having to set up Visual Studio Code manually.


Debug The System Application

Many developers miss being able to debug the System application, which is why in 2024 Release Wave 1, Microsoft has enabled it with the introduction of the SecureText data type. This benefits both development and troubleshooting of applications, as well as Open Source contributions to the System application itself through

Now, your developers can now step into the System application code base when they’re debugging it to understand the code flow and inspect variables, unless protected by SecureText type.


Remove Friction When Working With External App Dependencies

It’s common for AppSource app publishers and resellers who develop per-tenant extensions of customers to build on the work done by other publishers. However, they need access to the AppSource apps they depend on to do that, and this involves the tedious manual process, of contacting the publishers which own those applications to ask for symbols to develop against, or runtime packages to test with.

And this is not a one-time thing, but an ongoing process every time Business Central receives a new wave of product updates; making the whole process even more tedious, time-consuming and error-prone. Therefore, for 2024 Release Wave 1, Microsoft plans to unblock developing and compiling against external applications in containers and test in online sandboxes.

This involves allowing resellers and publishers to download symbols for AppSource applications for their own development. It will also include the provision of GitHub actions to make it easy to provision online sandboxes with the required applications installed, for the purpose of running tests on.


5. Improvements To Reporting And Data Analysis

Harnessing data to fuel innovation and drive transformative advancements has become essential for SMEs to stay competitive, and to shape a more efficient and sustainable future. Because of this, Microsoft will introduce a reporting strategy that revolves around building universal BI and analytics within Business Central.


Discover Report And Data Analysis Content Easily

Because of this, end users of Business Central will find that they will now be able to discover report and data analysis content – including queries, reports, and power BI pages – more easily, starting from 2024 Release Wave 1.

The new role explorer page provides explanations on all entries, so when an end user hovers over a report, page or query, they will find:

  • The title and description from the teaching tip (if defined).
  • The ability to open the report, page, or query in a new browser tab without closing the explorer view.
  • An icon that helps the end user decide whether this is a report that delivers Excel or PDF files, whether the page is a Power BI report, or whether the query supports data analysis.

With the role explorer, the effort needed to find report and data analysis content is greatly reduced, making it far more accessible and user-friendly for your end users.


6. Enhanced User Experiences

With every product update, Microsoft includes enhancements to the usability, accessibility, performance, and reliability of Business Central. For the 2024 Release Wave 1 update, they’ve boosted efficiency when you’re working with actions across selections in lists of records, and viewing summarised data to help you easily fix data entry mistakes.


Share Error Details To Get Help From Another User

Business Central now allows you to share error details, so that they can leverage the expertise of colleagues, subject matter experts or other users to get assistance.



You can more easily share error details with your colleagues, so they know how to help you. Source: Microsoft 


Some details you can share with this include the exact error message, error code, and other information that might be helpful when trouble shooting the error. This allows you to effectively communicate the specific issue you’re facing, and thus helps your colleagues provide targeted support and guidance for said issue.


Use Actions To Navigate And Highlight Or Fix Platform-generated Errors

When something goes wrong in Business Central, it’ll now be easier for you to help yourself. Microsoft has enhanced the user experience by making it easier to understand, go to, and resolve errors that originated from the ERP software.

This is done by removing the field names from error messages generated by Business Central, making them easier to read. However, the full technical details of the error, including field names, can still be found in the Detailed error message section.

Any actions on error messages take you directly to the page or field that’s causing the error, so you don’t have to find them on your own. There’s also a highlighting feature that indicates the relevant field, so you can quickly identify and focus on the areas that need attention.


Use Drag and Drop To Attach Multiple Files


You can now drag-and-drop multiple files to attach them to records. Source: Microsoft 


With this release, your end users can now drag multiple files at the same time to attach them to records in Business Central.

This improvement is particularly beneficial if the user often works with multiple files and need to associate them with a specific record. The ability to attach several files at the same time eliminates the need to manually upload files one-by-one, which provides a more efficient and user-friendly experience.


7. Enhancements To Regulatory Features

Based on popular requests from users, Microsoft offers regular updates to Business Central’s regulatory features to keep the ERP software in compliance with ever-changing requirements from the local authorities of each country and region.

Moving forward, Microsoft intends to make regulatory features a standard part of Business Central, which would enable the delivery of improvements out-of-the-box across countries and regions where they are relevant.


Achieve Sustainable Compliance With Business Central

You can record data on your business's emissions using Sustainability Journals. Source: Microsoft 


To help businesses comply with the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and other ESG standards, Business Central is introducing Sustainability Journals and Recurring Sustainability Journals.

Using these, a business can record data based on the Chart of Emission Accounts. Different emissions groups, subgroups, and formulas can be used to make the collection of emissions data as easy as possible.

Data will be recorded in Sustainability Entries, and subsequently used for reporting. It supports carbon emissions reporting, but also supports other types of emissions.


See VAT Dates in Posting Previews

Previously, when you post a document, you can see the VAT Date field in VAT Entries and G/L Entries, but not before.

Now, when you run the Posting Preview action in your documents and journals, you’ll be able to see the VAT Date before you make your post.

Questions About 2024 Release Wave 1 For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central?

The 2024 Release Wave 1 update for Business Central brings many new features and improvements to the cloud ERP software, building upon what was already introduced in 2023.

These are sure to improve your user experience of the ERP software in several ways, including improved service and project management, enhancements to Copilot capabilities, and improved reporting and data analysis amongst others.

For a detailed list of changes that are coming with this update, here are the release notes for 2024 Release Wave 1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Otherwise, if you’d like to learn more about Business Central and what it can do for your business, click the image below to learn more about the cloud-based ERP software from one of the big brand names in computing today.




Highlights Of 2023 Release Wave 2

The 2023 Release Wave 2 update, the second of two major updates for Business Central this year, will introduce many new features and functionalities to make using the cloud ERP software easier than ever for the end users in your business.

These included the introduction of Microsoft Copilot to help optimise processes and shorten the time needed to complete tasks, making onboarding new users easier and faster than before, and improving usability with the introduction of key tips for faster keyboard access, among many other improvements.



Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of the 2023 Release 2 update for Business Central, which will be rolled out progressively from October 2023 through to March 2024.

Note: This post was originally published in April 2020, and was updated to reflect the changes that came with the latest updates from Microsoft in July 2023. It has since been updated in January 2024 based on top features highlighted in October 2023 by Daniel Rhooms of WebSan Solutions Inc.


1. Enhanced User Experiences

2023 Release Wave 2 will bring enhancements that boosts that boost your efficiency when your end users work with actions across selections in lists of records and view summarized data, so that they can easily fix any errors in data entry.

Get To Data Search From Anywhere In Business Central

Search Function In Microsoft Business CentralStart a search directly anywhere in Business Central ; Source: Microsoft 

You can now start a search directly from the Tell Me dialogue with the Alt + Q shortcut key combination, no matter what page you are in Business Central. You can use keywords in Tell Me to search for data, and if you’re currently on an editable page, it will search for the value in the currently selected field.

This is scoped to data available in your Role Centre and the tables you can access by default. However you can customize the search scope by selecting Show tables to search on the Search in company data page.

Doing so opens up the Search Setup (Table) List page. By default, only the tables relevant for specific roles are selected, but you can use Show all tables and Filter to selected tables to browse other tables.

Choosing a table opens the Search Setup (Field) List page, where you can tailor the search to include fields in the selected table by turning on the Enable search toggle.


Search For Pages and Data in the Mobile App

Search for pages easily in Business Central mobile appSearch for pages and data easily within the mobile app ; Source: Microsoft

The Tell Me feature has now been added to the Business Central mobile app, giving your end users the ability to quickly find pages or data on their mobile devices.

As with the same feature on the desktop app, users can’t access pages they don’t have permissions to open. Also, pages that weren’t allowed on mobile devices before, such as worksheet pages, won’t be available either.

You’ll need to turn on this feature on the Feature Management page.


Show Related Record Details From Lookup

It used to take multiple clicks to get to the details about related records on their card pages from lookups or advanced lookup dialogs.

Now, you can use the Show details action in lookup dialogues to quickly access information about records that are related to the one you’re interested in.


Mark Fields As Read-only When Customising UI

Business Central offers a powerful suite of user interface (UI) customization tools that empower customers to quickly optimise the experience for individual users, for each role, or for the entire organization.

Now, customers can self-serve by making fields non-editable directly in the UI, adding to the existing UI simplification capabilities such as hiding or moving fields on the page.


Print and Scan Barcodes

With this release, Business Central introduces a Print Label report action on multiple pages:

  • Item Card and Items List
  • Item References and Item References List
  • Lot No. Information Card and Lot No. Information List
  • Serial No. Information Card and SN Information List

You can also scan barcodes through the mobile client, using the camera on your mobile device. This allows you to streamline your business processes with barcode technology.


Sync Document and Posting Dates for Sales and Purchase

To help you comply with accounting standards and ensure accurate financial calculations, sales and purchase documents have date fields that serve different purposes.

  • The Document Date must align with the date on the sales invoice that you sent to the customer, or with the date on the purchase invoice that you received from your vendor, so that Business Central can correctly calculate finance charges and the amount due.
  • The Posting Date shows when a document was registered in Business Central. Many accounting standards and regulations require businesses to accurately record and report financial transactions based on the date they occurred.

In previous versions, changing the posting date always updated the document date. To avoid that, you had to create an extension and subscribe to the event.

Now, you can just turn off the new setting. For new environments, the toggle is off by default. If you update a posting date it won’t affect the document date.


2. Enhancements To Intercompany Functionality

With 2023 Release Wave 2, Microsoft will introduce several new features related to intercompany transactions, financial data consolidations, and approval workflows.

Make Intercompany Transactions Across Business Central Environments

You can now carry out intercompany and consolidation features across multiple Business Central environments. This means it’s now easy to set up an intercompany partnership between companies that operate in different Business Central environments.

To do this, go to the Intercompany Partner Setup page. When you choose an environment that you have access to, you can choose a company that you’re allowed to set up as an intercompany partner in that same environment.

Once you’ve done that, you can automatically send and receive transactions for the selected company, even if it’s operating in a different environment. All intercompany features can be used across different environments, including sales and purchase documents, intercompany general journals, and purchase invoice cost distributions.


Do Financial Consolidations Across Environments In Multicompany Setups

If your subsidiary doesn’t use the same Business Central environment as your main business, you can now carry out financial consolidation for subsidiaries and business entities across different environments anyway.

To enable the consolidation of financial data for entities without having to handle files, choose the environment that a business entity uses on the Business Unit Card page.


Include Approvals For Intercompany General Journals In Your Workflows

You can now set up an approval workflow for your intercompany general journals, thanks to the introduction of an assisted setup similar to the user template workflows. This new workflow can be found under Workflow Templates, and it’s named Intercompany General Journal Line Approval.

To designate which end users have the permissions to use this workflow, you must set them up on the Approval User Setup page.


3. Improved Supply Chain Features

2023 Release Wave 2 will also see the introduction of several new supply chain features that add efficiency, agility, and accuracy to the way you manage your warehouse.


Edit In Excel On Item Journals And Warehouse Worksheets

Edit In Excel function in Business CentralChange records in Excel, before publishing the changes to Business Central; Source: Microsoft 

Entering data using the familiar Excel spreadsheet format has now been made easier than ever, speeding up data entry on item journals and warehouse worksheets.

You can use the Edit in Excel action to change records in Excel, and then publish the changes back to Business Central. When you open Excel, you’ll see the Excel Add-in pane on the right of the screen.

The Edit in Excel action has also been added to an extensive list of pages, making it more accessible than before


Usability Improvements For Warehouse, Inventory And Tracking 

set up employees in warehouesSet up warehouse employees in Microsoft Business Central ; Source: Microsoft 

Based on feedback from customers of Business Central, Microsoft has made it easier to complete several inventory and warehouse processes.

You will now need to designate your warehouse employees as such in Business Central, and assign them to a default location and potentially other non-default locations. This setup will filter all warehouse activities across the database to each employee’s location, ensuring they can only perform activities at their assigned locations.

On the Warehouse Employees page, you can add a location for a particular user. Alternatively, you can choose the Add me as warehouse employee action, and select one or more locations.


Reserved From Stock Field

Business Central monitors the inventory status of items on orders using the new Reserved from stock field, which helps your sales team understand whether they can ship or pick for a specific order or order line, while also making delivery on sales and production orders faster

The new Reserved from stock field helps them understand whether they can ship or pick for a specific order or order line. It offers the following options:

  • Full: The outstanding quantity is completely reserved from on-hand inventory.
  • Partial: The outstanding quantity is partially reserved from on-hand inventory.
  • None: The outstanding quantity isn't reserved at all, or it's reserved from other source documents such as purchase orders.

Control Inventory Adjustments On Item Card

The Adjust Inventory dialogue is helpful when you need to quickly adjust the inventory level for a specific item. In this release, you can enable the Adjust Inventory feature by turning on the Allow Invt. Adjustment toggle on the Inventory Setup page.


4. Improvements To Reporting And Data Analysis

For the 2023 Release Wave 2 update, Microsoft will add more capabilities to Analysis mode to help you do more on-the-fly embedded analysis of your data, and provide new and improved reports in Power BI.

Analyse, Group, And Pivot Data On Queries Using Multiple Tabs

First introduced as a public preview feature in the 2023 Release Wave 1 update, Analysis mode brought a new way of interacting with your data on list pages. It offered an alternative to running reports using different options and filters, allowing you to simply add multiple tabs that represent different tasks or views on the data.

With 2023 Release Wave 2, Microsoft is extending this concept further with the following updates:

  • You can now analyse data from any query in the same way as on a list page.
  • From any analysis tab, you can share a link to said tab with your colleagues and team members.
  • You can use shared links as a click-once installation of out-of-the-box analysis.


New And Improved Power BI Reports

For the business functions of sales, finance, and inventory, Microsoft will bring the following enhancements.

  • Addition of API queries that can be analysed directly in the client.
  • The ability to build Power BI reports and package them into a Power BI app available on AppSource
  • Expose select queries and reports with Excel layouts.
  • Document how KPIs can be shown and tracked in a Power BI metrics scorecard, which can then be embedded in the client.


5. Copilot And AI Innovation

Microsoft is bringing cutting-edge generative AI technology to Business Central for the first time with the introduction of Copilot to the ERP software. With Copilot in Business Central, you can empower your end users with an intuitive AI tool that helps them get more done with less effort, without needing to be data scientists.


Get Marketing Text Suggestions With Copilot

Marketing text suggestions were the first Copilot-powered feature to be introduced to Business Central back during the public preview. In the 2023 Release Wave 2 update, it moves to being generally available, and comes with the following enhancements:

  • Various quality improvements that address customer feedback
  • Support for more languages beyond English
  • Use of marketing text on the Price List report
  • Improved discoverability from within the web client
  • Improvements to content moderation


Complete Bank Account Reconciliation Faster With Copilot

One feature of Business Central that Microsoft has enhanced with the introduction of Copilot is the Bank Reconciliation feature. Now, it comes with:

  • AI-powered transaction matching that further improves automation, and reduces the remaining unmatched transactions that require human oversight.
  • AI-generated explanations for how remaining transactions could be matched, making it easier for your bookkeepers to complete account reconciliation simply by reviewing and approving matches.


6. Increased Productivity With Microsoft 365

In the 2023 Release Wave 2 update, Microsoft addresses customer feedback about the reliability of the Excel Add-in for Business Central in specific use cases.

As such, this update will include the following enhancements to the Business Central add-in for Excel:

  • Dimensions are included on more pages when using the Edit in Excel
  • Increased accuracy of filters when they're transferred from Business Central to Excel.
  • Improved reliability and performance of data refresh and publish through the latest OData V4 technology.
  • The add-in now supports on-premises deployments that have a dedicated server instance specifically for OData feeds.


7. Investment In Modern Development Tools

Microsoft has moved app development for Business Central entirely to Visual Studio Code. With 2023 Release Wave 2, when it comes to data analysis and reporting, your developers will have more control.

Open Visual Studio Code From Web Client To Investigate Or Troubleshoot Extensions

Your developer or consultant can now open a new Visual Studio Code session from within the web client for a specific customer production or sandbox environment. It will support different contexts, and depending on said context, Visual Studio Code will either open to allow for the inspection of objects and source, or to attach and debug the current web client session.


Turn Off Data Analysis Mode On Pages And Queries

With the introduction of Data Analysis mode, your end users have the option not to run reports using different options and filters, and instead add multiple tabs that represent different tasks or views on the data.

However, for some list pages such as Feature Management, this capability doesn’t always make sense. Therefore, Microsoft has made the following possible:

  • AL developers can turn off Data Analysis mode using page metadata
  • Tenant administrators can override the developers’ choice in the client (by using a list page on a system table) on the tenant level)
  • Tenant adminstrators can turn off the Data Analysis mode for specific users


Use The Built-In Rich Text Editor To Enter Data

Up to this point, you could only use the rich text editing capabilities when sending emails. With 2023 Release Wave 2, Microsoft will bring the power of the built-in rich text editor to all media fields in Business Central. Your developers will also be able to customise rich text capabilities for their extensions and applications.

This can reduce the time and effort needed to perform tasks, and the rich text editor can help ensure consistency and accuracy in the formatting and presentation of information, enhancing the overall quality and professionalism of content you enter in Business Central.


Questions About 2023 Release Wave 2 For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central?

The 2023 Release Wave 2 update for Business Central brings many new enhancements to the cloud ERP software, building upon the improvements introduced with the previous update in the first half of the year.

These will improve the user experience in various ways such as enhancements to the user experience, improvements to intercompany functionalities, and the introduction of generative AI technology through Copilot amongst others.

For a detailed list of changes that are coming with this update, here are the release notes for 2023 Release Wave 2 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Otherwise, if you’d like to learn more about Business Central and what it can do for your business, click the image below to learn more about the cloud-based ERP software from one of the big brand names in computing today.



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